Hey my loves,

Now, there is someone very important that I want you all to meet….my boyfriend!

I figured seeing as I would be referring to him a lot in my posts it would only be right for me to introduce to you to him properly.

So everyone, meet Brendan or Bobsy as I call him.

Brendan and I- Scotland Holiday 2014
 Brendan and I became a couple back in 2013, and he couldn’t have come into my life at a better time. I was going through a really hard time with my anxiety and Bren came along and he seemed to make it go away, or control it at least.

Brendan is my best friend and we are together every night, which means yes….we do have arguments over who is hogging the duvet ha-ha!

We have a serious but fun loving relationship and we have many adventures and trips which I will post on here so you can follow us around on our exciting days out.

I don’t really know what to say- I feel a bit weird posting this, as I feel like there should be some formal hand shake or something, you can just have a virtual one for now.

Brendan is 24 and a computer genius! He loves all things computers and tech and has his own IT business. I am pretty lucky really because he helps out with all the techy bits which I don’t really understand!

So there we go, Brendan meet my virtual friends- Virtual friends meet Brendan!

Brendan and I Halloween 2014
Woohoo, now we are all aware of who is who, we can carry on as normal.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like him as much as I do!

See you all soon.
Victoria Ann xx 

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