Hey my loves,

So that time of year has rolled around again, the time where school/college is full of frantic teenagers rushing around panicking about the exams which are about to take place. There's nothing worse than worrying about it and getting yourself in a pickle because then you will just end up in a big old blubbering mess! (easier said than done, I know.) So I thought I would let you in on some of the tips and tricks I used while studying for my exams, it makes things so much easier when you have a routine to stick to!

1. Keep a diary/timetable-  Firstly, plan and write out a day to day timetable, so you know which days you are going to revise which subject. Be sure to include the time you are going to spend revising that subject and even select a specific topic (maybe one you are struggling with the most) In your timetable it is important to make sure you add in your breaks, this way you aren't going to overwork yourself. It doesn't have to be a long break, just a 15-20 minute one will do. Sticking to this timetable will help to make sure you are revising each subject properly and also will make sure you also have some YOU time too. 

2. Find a quiet place-  When revising for your exams it is super important that you find a nice quiet place to revise, without distractions! (yes that means your phone and Facebook are off limits during this time!) In my opinion I would avoid your bedroom at all costs, there is way too many distractions in your bedroom and it is also nice to separate your room and revision, your bedroom should be a place of relaxation not working. I would suggest maybe a study or a kitchen/dining room table. This brings me on to my next point quite nicely...

3.  Be fully equipped- Once you have chosen the place which you are going to revise, make sure you have all the equipment you need there, pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, notepads AND water! Once you have sat down to revise the last thing you want to be doing is getting up and down to get your equipment, you are only going to be wasting time and distracting yourself.

4Take regular breaks- There is really not a lot to say on this point, just make sure that you give yourself some time to get a drink and snack and relax for a while (15-20 minutes will do) Doing this will allow your brain to stop working for a little, this will help you to feel refreshed and ready to go for your next revision session.

5Organise your work- There is nothing worse than having muddled up folders full of things you don't need. Before you sit down to revise make sure that you have sorted your subject folders and work out. Put everything in topic order and make sure your notes are in the right place and easy to understand ready for when you need them. If everything is jumbled up this is going to confuse you and you won't take anything in. Stay organised.

6Use Highlighters- For me, using highlighters was a great help when revising. When studying it can become overwhelming as you just sit and ask yourself "how is it possible to remember all of this?!" The answer is...you're not. My top tip is to read over your notes a few times and as you go along highlight the words, phrases or sentences which you think are important. That way, when it comes to revising each topic you can just go over the particular bits you have highlighted instead of memorising every word in the 800 paged book!

7. Stay calm and Relax- Finally, coming to my last point. It is so important to remember to stay calm and not panic too much, like I said earlier this is easier said than done. What's the worst that can happen? Yes, you may not get some of the grades you hoped for, but nobody is perfect and if you really aren't happy with them you can always retake certain subjects! That's what I did with my GCSE Maths...you'll get there in the end.

I really hope that this post helps some of you stay calm during the exams period and if you are feeling motivated why not try some of these tips yourself...you never know, they might just help. Good luck and stay calm.

See you all soon.

Victoria Ann xx

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